Zig Bits 0x1: Returning slices from functions

6 minute read Published: 2023-02-17

I decided to start a new blog series called "Zig Bits" where I share interesting bits of information about the Zig programming language. This series will be especially for beginners because I'm also a beginner.

Since it's the first part of the series, let me start by giving some information about Zig and my background.

Zig is an imperative, general-purpose, statically typed, compiled system programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal, and reusable software.

It supports compile-time generics, reflection and evaluation, cross-compilation, and manual memory management. A major goal of Zig is to improve upon the C language, while also taking inspiration from Rust, among others.

There are a lot of resources to learn Zig, primarily:

I usually develop in Rust and I decided to learn Zig because the low-levelness of the language piqued my interest. I always liked writing C and learning something more robust is something that I would definitely consider. I'm already writing my first Zig project in my spare time (from other open source projects) and I really enjoy it!

Alright, it's time for the main event.

Returning a slice in Zig

Here's the code snippet for demonstrating what we're trying to do:

// Zig version: 0.10.1

// Import the standard library.
const std = @import("std");

/// Returns a slice.
fn zigBits() []u8 {
    // Create an array literal.
    var message = [_]u8{ 'z', 'i', 'g', 'b', 'i', 't', 's' };

    // Print the array as string.
    std.log.debug("{s}", .{message});

    // We need to use address-of operator (&) to coerce to slice type '[]u8'.
    return &message;

/// Entrypoint of the program.
pub fn main() void {
    // Get the message.
    const message = zigBits();

    // Print the message.
    std.log.debug("{s}", .{message});

Q: Cool! So we're just returning a slice from a function and printing its value?

Yes! We're expecting to see zigbits two times. One from inside the function and one from the main.

Let's run it:

$ zig build run

debug: zigbits
debug: �,�$

Uhm... What? That's not what we expected. Maybe run it again?

$ zig build run

debug: zigbits

WTH?! Maybe print the u8 array instead?

- std.log.debug("{s}", .{message});
+ std.log.debug("{d}", .{message});
$ zig build run

debug: { 122, 105, 103, 98, 105, 116, 115 }
debug: { 80, 129, 179, 51, 255, 127, 0 }

That's not the same array! What is going on here?


Let's look at this line:

return &message;

Here, we're actually returning a slice of a stack-allocated array.

try std.testing.expect(@TypeOf(&message) == *[7]u8);

Since the array is allocated on the stack, it could be corrupted when it's released i.e. when we return from the function. This is explained in the Lifetime and Ownership part of the documentation:

It is the Zig programmer's responsibility to ensure that a pointer is not accessed when the memory pointed to is no longer available. Note that a slice is a form of pointer, in that it references other memory.

This is the reason why we get random gibberish when we try to print the array contents after returning from the function.

Also, there is an issue in the ziglang/zig repository about this which states that this situation should lead to a compile error: https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5725


We can work around this in a couple of ways:

Let's see how it works with each solution.

Passing the slice as a parameter

The number of bytes written is unknown to main, and thus without the len, the debug log at the end will print the entire buffer, and not just the actual message part.

// Zig version: 0.10.1

// Import the standard library.
const std = @import("std");

/// Takes a slice as a parameter and fills it with a message.
fn zigBits(slice: []u8) usize {
    // Create an array literal.
    var message = [_]u8{ 'z', 'i', 'g', 'b', 'i', 't', 's' };

    // Print the array as string.
    std.log.debug("{s}", .{message});

    // Update the slice.
    std.mem.copy(u8, slice, &message);

/// Entrypoint of the program.
pub fn main() void {
    // Define the message buffer.
    var message: [9]u8 = undefined;

    // Get the message and save the length.
    const len = zigBits(&message);

    // Print the message.
    std.log.debug("{s}", .{message[0..len]});
    std.log.debug("{s}", .{message});

As you can see, we have updated the return value of the function to void and make it accept a slice parameter. Instead of return, we update the slice with std.mem.cpy method in the function.

(This approach is similar to passing a mutable reference (&mut) to a function in Rust.)

Let's run it:

$ zig build run

debug: zigbits
debug: zigbits
debug: zigbits�,�$


Using a global array

// Zig version: 0.10.1

// Import the standard library.
const std = @import("std");

// Create a global array literal.
var message = [_]u8{ 'z', 'i', 'g', 'b', 'i', 't', 's' };

/// Returns a slice.
fn zigBits() []u8 {
    // Print the array as string.
    std.log.debug("{s}", .{message});

    // We need to use address-of operator (&) to coerce to slice type '[]u8'.
    return &message;

/// Entrypoint of the program.
pub fn main() void {
    // Get the message.
    const msg = zigBits();

    // Print the message.
    std.log.debug("{s}", .{msg});

We have declared the array literal as top-level so it is lazily analyzed and accessible from the inner scopes.

$ zig build run

debug: zigbits
debug: zigbits

Allocating the slice

// Zig version: 0.10.1

// Import the standard library.
const std = @import("std");

/// Returns a slice.
fn zigBits() ![]u8 {
    // Create an array literal.
    var message = [_]u8{ 'z', 'i', 'g', 'b', 'i', 't', 's' };

    // Print the array as string.
    std.log.debug("{s}", .{message});

    // Allocate the slice on the heap and return.
    var message_copy = try std.heap.page_allocator.dupe(u8, &message);
    return message_copy;

/// Entrypoint of the program.
pub fn main() !void {
    // Get the message.
    const message = try zigBits();

    // Print the message.
    std.log.debug("{s}", .{message});

We're making a copy of the slice on the heap on this line:

var message_copy = try std.heap.page_allocator.dupe(u8, &message);

This makes the slice available outside the function since it's now allocated on the heap:

$ zig build run

debug: zigbits
debug: zigbits

More common and idiomatic way of handling such case would be passing a std.mem.Allocator to the function that allocates memory. This way, we can allow the caller to decide which allocator to use.

// Zig version: 0.10.1

// Import the standard library.
const std = @import("std");

/// Returns a slice.
fn zigBits(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) ![]u8 {
    // Create an array literal.
    var message = [_]u8{ 'z', 'i', 'g', 'b', 'i', 't', 's' };

    // Print the array as string.
    std.log.debug("{s}", .{message});

    // Allocate the slice on the heap and return.
    var message_copy = try allocator.dupe(u8, &message);
    return message_copy;

/// Entrypoint of the program.
pub fn main() !void {
    // Use an allocator.
    // https://ziglang.org/documentation/master/#Choosing-an-Allocator
    const allocator = std.heap.page_allocator;
    // Get the message.
    const message = try zigBits(allocator);

    // Print the message.
    std.log.debug("{s}", .{message});


Let's improve our program to return a slice with a designated length instead of stack allocated array.

// Zig version: 0.10.1

// Import the standard library.
const std = @import("std");

/// Returns a slice with the length of `len`.
fn zigBits(len: usize) ![]u8 {
    // Create an array literal.
    var message = [_]u8{ 'z', 'i', 'g', 'b', 'i', 't', 's' };

    // Print the array as string.
    std.log.debug("{s}", .{message});

    // A slice is a pointer and a length. The difference between an array and
    // a slice is that the array's length is part of the type and known at
    // compile-time, whereas the slice's length is known at runtime.
    try std.testing.expect(@TypeOf(message[0..len]) == []u8);

    // We're using `len` parameter to slice with a runtime-known value.
    // If `len` was declared as `comptime len`, then this value would be '*[N]u8'
    return message[0..len];

/// Entrypoint of the program.
pub fn main() !void {
    // Get the message.
    const message = try zigBits(7);

    // Print the message.
    std.log.debug("{s}", .{message});

This will also work since we're not returning the address of the array: not work too! (Thanks for the correction everyone!)

It's the same dangling pointer problem as in the first example. Both &message and message[0..] in Zig will return the same slice.

@zenith391 explained really well why this example might have worked during my tests but it's still an undefined behavior:

In the first example, the problem was that it was allocated on the stack and then freed. Now suppose calling std.log.debug takes 8 bytes of stack space. But then calling std.log.debug causes more stack to be allocated, so it happily reuses and overwrites the bytes used for "zigbits".

The reason why it doesn't do that when the return type is ![]u8 is because an error union type like ![]u8 takes more stack bytes than []u8 which means our "zigbits" bytes are allocated farther in the stack. The result is that when std.log.debug consumes its (hypothetical) 8 bytes of stack, it doesn't take enough to overwrite "zigbits".

You can check this behavior with https://godbolt.org/z/cPWjajYxb which shows that "zigbits" is placed 40 bytes into the stack when using ![]u8 but only 16 bytes into the stack when using []u8.

Of course if you allocate more stack bytes (by making variables or calling more functions) it will eventually overwrite "zigbits". This also means this bonus snippet suffers from the same problem.

TLDR: Because ![]u8 is bigger, you have to use more of the stack in order to overwrite "zigbits"


I'm fairly new to Zig and I really enjoy learning these concepts. Let me know via the comments below if I missed something or if there is an easier way.

Any feedback is welcome!

Here is the next post of the Zig Bits series! ("Using defer to defeat memory leaks")

P.S. Here you can find the Rust version of this post.
